2020 National Equipment Finance Summit
*** Notice of Cancellation – 2020 NEFA Equipment Finance Summit ***
After careful consideration of the safety, health and well-being of our members, the Board of Directors of the National Equipment Finance Association has made the difficult decision to cancel the National Equipment Finance Summit scheduled for March 25th – 27th, in San Antonio, TX. We believe this decision is in the best interest of everyone given the uncertainty and health concerns surrounding COVID-19 and the warnings, guidelines and restrictions coming from local, state and federal government relating to the virus and travel activities. Rest assured, the decision to cancel this conference was not made lightly, but was ultimately necessary to protect our members, as well as their families and communities.
Our entire Board and the NEFA staff are disappointed that this conference will not be held and we understand that the planning, hard-work and financial investment undertaken by attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, educational session participants, and everyone involved in this event is significant. We have worked hard to create a strong conference, but we must now switch our focus to the administration of the cancelled event. Your patience as we work to meet these challenges is greatly appreciated. Registrants can shortly expect to receive an email setting forth guidelines to help you choose between a refund or credit to be applied toward the Fall Funding Symposium scheduled for October 14 th – 16th in Philadelphia, PA.
We sincerely regret this necessary cancellation and apologize for any inconvenience it may cause you. We recommend that you please review your airline’s COVID-19 cancellation policies for booked flights.
The National Equipment Finance Summit is the industry’s premier networking and education event for active and engaged equipment finance professionals.
Large enough to be comprehensive, small enough to be friendly and casual. The Finance Summit is a must-do event for sharing street-level intelligence and connecting with the funding sources and other services you need to continue building your business.
NEFA’s Finance Summit Conference Co-Chairs are Marci Slagle, CLFP of Bank Financial Equipment Finance and Tara Aasand of LTi Technology Solutions.
If you are interested in volunteering on the conference committee and or have educational session / speaker suggestions, please reach out to:
Mike Toglia, Executive Director & CEO of NEFA
E: mtoglia@nefassociation.org
P: (847) 562-5057
Marci Slagle, CLFP | BankFinancial Equipment Finance
E: MSlagle@BankFinancial.com
P: (801) 663-7117
Tara Aasand | LTi Technology Solutions
E: taasand@ltisolutions.com
P: (425) 256-0806