Virtual Exchange Webinar
2020 Virtual Annual Meeting
Please join NEFA leadership and members for our 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting. During this meeting, members will have an opportunity to connect virtually, receive updates from NEFA, and be advised of the newly elected Directors and
- Since the NEFA Annual Meeting will be held virtually the process to vote for new Directors and Officers has also gone digital. On October 1st, each member company will receive one email and ballot from the NEFA Nominating
Committee via DocuSign labeled NEFA Ballot 2020.This will provide an opportunity for you to vote electronically. The voting period will be open from October 1st – October 13th. All ballots will expire on
October 14th. - Once the voting period is closed, the NEFA Legal Committee will tabulate the results.
- On October 15th, the results of the election will be shared by the NEFA Nominating Committee Chair
Full agenda details to come.