Baltimore Crab Feast
Eat Crabs. Feed Your Business.
Mark your calendars for NEFA’s Annual Baltimore Crab Feast, Thursday, June 8th!
For more years than lots of attendees can remember, equipment finance professionals have gathered for gabbing and crabbing at one of the industry’s longest running and most popular networking events. Making new contacts and re-connecting with old ones is good business ─and doing it at the Crab Feast makes it good fun, too.
Early Bird, online registration saves you money!
Register by May 25th
Member $79 | Non-Member $99
Suggested Hotel Accommodations:
Substitution & Cancellation Policy
If you have registered but are unable to attend the Crab Feast regional event, you may substitute another employee from your company at no additional charge. Please send written notification of this change to Kim King at (847) 380-5053 or KKing@NEFAssociaiton.org.
Cancellations received by May 25, 2017 will be refunded 50% of the registration fee. No refunds will be given after May 25, 2017. Please send written notification of your cancellation to Kim King at (847) 380-5053 or KKing@NEFAssociation.org. You can also fax your notification in at (847) 380-5055.