Town Hall Webinar Series: Collections and Repossessions – When to Collect and When to Repossess
Presenting NEFA’s Virtual Town Hall Webinar Series Event:
Collections and Repossessions – When to Collect and When to Repossess
In this forth in NEFA’s series of educational webinars, leading collections experts will discuss best practices in collecting accounts in this current unpredictable environment, examples of a good collection scenario and a bad collection scenario, and when to consider repossession. Additionally panelists will reflect on the difficulties of repossessing while businesses are closed or partially closed and how long you should wait to collect on a delinquent account.
Join us for a FREE interactive webinar – including a Q&A session with our panelists.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
2:00 – 2:45 PM EST
Featured Executive Panelists:
Thank You to Our Sponsors
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